
کتاب Big Fun Reading and Writing Workbook

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  • گارانتی اصالت کالا
  • آماده ارسال از انبار
ویژگی‌های محصول
  • مجموعه مرتبط : Big Fun
  • مناسب رده سنی : خردسالان
  • سطح کتاب : A1
  • انتشارات : Pearson
  • تاریخ چاپ : 1398
  • شابک/ISBN : 9780133437560
  • قطع : رحلی بیاضی (افقی)
  • نوع جلد : جلد نرم (شومیز)
  • نوع صحافی : فنری (مارپیچ)
  • تعداد صفحات : 96
  • نوع کاغذ صفحات : تحریر سفید 70 تا 80 گرم
  • تعداد رنگ متن : تمام رنگ
  • زبان : انگلیسی
بیشتر +

پشتیبانی 24 ساعته

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تحویل اکسپرس


دیگر ویژگی های کتاب:

یادگیرندگان را بر روی ویدیوها، گوش دادن، فعالیت های صوتی و بازی متمرکز می کند
آهنگ ها، شعرها و تمرینات مکالمه ساده زبان انگلیسی معنی دار و سرگرم کننده است
فعالیت های مرتبط با سن، به افزایش آگاهی کودکان نسبت به آنچه که آنها یاد می گیرند  به معلمان کمک می کند تا پیشرفت انها را ارزیابی کنند
از دو رویکرد خاص به نام های آموزش یکپارچه محتوا و زبان (CLIL) و مهارت های قرن 21 و ارزیابی برای یادگیری استفاده می کند.

Big Fun

  The Big Fun song From the sky to the ground And all the way around – We can have big fun! If there’s rain, if there’s sun, Let’s play with everyone

  What is Big Fun? Big Fun teaches young children English in the same way they learn their native language, by making sure they listen, imitate, repeat, and begin to speak on their own. Starting with basic vocabulary and target language, children learn English in the context of eight engaging themes. They learn about math, reading and writing readiness, values, and nature as they practice their motor skills and have fun doing creative projects. Children learn English, transfer knowledge, and become critical thinkers as they cycle through the same eight themes that advance in sophistication with each level. Big Fun

 Big ideas behind Big Fun

Big Fun builds on Pockets’ well-received vocabulary, conversation and literacy syllabus. It uses an updated approach that includes Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), 21st Century Skills and Assessment for Learning. It enhances verbal presentation skills and awareness to nature and every day life. Through critical thinking, Big Fun challenges children to think deeply and express their ideas. Big Fun is designed to sit under Big English, but can go with any primary course. Big Fun

Big Ideas behind Big Fun

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): young children are learning English and so much more 21st Century Skills: young children need to be prepared for the world that awaits them Assessment for Learning: awareness and confidence lead to success Big Fun

  Who wrote Big Fun?

Mario Herrera Barbara Hojel

  What’s in Big Fun?

  The Amazing lesson uses a CLIL approach to challenge students and bring the real world into the classroom. It allows students to explore the natural world, with a hands-on project to extend this learning.

  What’s in Big Fun? Show Time helps students and parents keep track of what they are learning. Teachers can create a fantastic year-end show with the help of the Show Time poster to pull children’s ideas together.

  Why choose Big Fun?

Makes learning English meaningful and fun Challenges kids and brings the real world into the classroom Teaches English even while children may not be literate in their native language Helps kids learn values that are as important as the language skills.

 Children use picture clues to predict the unit theme

Children use picture clues to predict the unit theme. There is a “find it” vocabulary item that they search for throughout the unit.

 Target language is introduced with half of the new vocabulary

  The second half of the new vocabulary is introduced and a new context helps practice previously introduced words.

 Children use press outs to review vocabulary.
 Math concepts, including shapes and numbers are introduced.
 Reading and writing development begins here
Reading and writing development begins here. In level 1 the focus is on colors, since sounds and letters have not been introduced.

 A values lesson teaches kids to think about the things they do.
Amazing! Provides an introduction to CLIL using nature photographs.
 A project extends the learning from Amazing
A project extends the learning from Amazing! It helps develop creativity.

 Children now review the language and vocabulary

Children now review the language and vocabulary. Then they go to the Showtime section and draw or write a personal response.

توضیحات تکمیلی

مجموعه مرتبط

مناسب رده سنی

سطح کتاب


تاریخ چاپ





رحلی بیاضی (افقی)

نوع جلد

جلد نرم (شومیز)

نوع صحافی

فنری (مارپیچ)

تعداد صفحات


نوع کاغذ صفحات

تحریر سفید 70 تا 80 گرم

تعداد رنگ متن

تمام رنگ


نقد و بررسی‌ها

0 دیدگاه

هنوز بررسی‌ای ثبت نشده است.

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